Zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds
Zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds

zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds

  • temperature/right: Temperature of the right camera sensor.
  • temperature/left: Temperature of the left camera sensor.
  • temperature/imu: Temperature of the IMU sensor.
  • imu/mag: Calibrated magnetometer data.
  • imu/data_raw: Accelerometer and gyroscope data in Earth frame.
  • imu/data: Accelerometer, gyroscope, and orientation data in Earth frame.
  • Note: published only if mapping is enabled, see mapping/mapping_enabled parameter

    zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds

    mapping/fused_cloud: Fused color point cloud.path_map: Sequence of camera poses in Map frame.path_odom: Sequence of camera odometry poses in Map frame.pose_with_covariance: Camera pose referred to Map frame with covariance.pose: Absolute 3D position and orientation relative to the Map frame (Sensor Fusion algorithm + SLAM + Loop closure).odom: Absolute 3D position and orientation relative to the Odometry frame (pure visual odometry for ZED, visual-inertial for ZED Mini and ZED 2).disparity/disparity_image: Disparity image.confidence/confidence_map: Confidence image (floating point values to be used in your own algorithms).point_cloud/cloud_registered: Registered color point cloud.depth/camera_info: Depth camera calibration data.depth/depth_registered: Depth map image registered on the left image (32-bit float in meters by default).Note: to retrieve the camera parameters you can subscribe to the topics left/camera_info, right/camera_info, left_raw/camera_info and right_raw/camera_info stereo_raw/image_raw_color: stereo unrectified pair images side-by-side.

    zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds

    stereo/image_rect_color: stereo rectified pair images side-by-side.right_raw/camera_info: Right unrectified camera calibration data.right/camera_info: Right camera calibration data.right_raw/image_raw_gray: Grayscale unrectified right image.right/image_rect_gray: Grayscale rectified right image.right_raw/image_raw_color: Color unrectified right image.right/image_rect_color: Color rectified right image.left_raw/camera_info: Left unrectified camera calibration data.left/camera_info: Left camera calibration data.left_raw/image_raw_gray: Left camera grayscale unrectified image.left_raw/image_raw_color: Left camera color unrectified image.left/image_rect_gray: Left camera grayscale rectified image.left/image_rect_color: Left camera color rectified image.rgb_raw/camera_info: Color unrectified camera calibration data.rgb/camera_info: Color camera calibration data.rgb_raw/image_raw_gray: Grayscale unrectified image (left RGB image by default).rgb_raw/image_raw_color: Color unrectified image (left RGB image by default).rgb/image_rect_gray: Grayscale rectified image (left RGB image by default).rgb/image_rect_color: Color rectified image (left RGB image by default).The ZED node publishes data on the following topics:

    Zed camera opencv implementation to process point clouds